
On going researches
The ecological impacts of Aquatic Invasive Species on stream ecosystems and on the conservation of target species (Location: United Kingdom)

Research Projects
  1. Effect of Periphyton on the Growth of Monosex Tilapia; 2015-2016; Funded by the University of Rajshahi/University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh.
  2. Comparative Study on Richness and Evenness of Fishes in Community-managed and Natural Beels; 2013-2014; Funded by the University of Rajshahi.
  3. Breeding and Seed Production of Native Ornamental Dwarf Gourami, Colisa lalia (Hamilton, 1822); 2013-2014; Funded by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh
  4. Technical development and printing of the Journal of Fisheries. 2014; Funded by the Edward M Kennedy Center

Ex research fellows
  1. Nazmun Nahar, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi; 2015
  2. Md. Foyzul Hassan Fahad, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi; 2014
  3. Merina Akter Momi, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi; 2014
  4. Tamanna Kabir, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi; 2013
  5. Md. Abdur Rashid, Department of Fisheries, University of Rajshahi; 2013